Friday, December 6, 2013

Resource Denial...

Seeing how low bitcoin fell today, I'm feeling frustrated since I can't buy.  My coinbase account on stop until my 1st purchase clears (days to go).  And my mt.gox application is still pending 5 days later.

So if I continue comparing buying bitcoins to Starcraft, right now...  the zerg are in my base killing my SCVs and I can't collect any resources.

Oh well, as I've said in my first 2 entries, getting going is time consuming.  Though right now, I'm envying those who snatched up coins when they fell to $801 earlier. That will probably yield some serious profit.

Side note:  I find it interesting that banks are banning bitcoin, which is driving down the price.  Why?  Because if people cash out to fiat currency, where do they put it?  In the bank.  Ie., they want your money. They want it to be static and in their clutches.  So in scaring you off bitcoin, they're scaring you into their clutches.

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